Bharatnatyam is an ancient classical dance form of South India, more specifically Tamilnadu. These dance form was originated from the dance performed by "Devdasi" in different temples infront of God.
This dance form purely follows the rules of "Natyasastra" written by "Bharata" . So, this form is called "BHARATNATYAM". The ancient name of this dance form is "Sadi's Dance". Sadi means four. The name is given because the "Chatura Veda" is involved in this dance form.
In the late 18th century the "Rajnartak" (Dancer of Royal family) Nattubhanara Subbarao's four sons- Chinnaiya, Punnaiya, Shivananda and Bedivelu invented the modern form of Bhratnatyam. They divided the dance form in six "Bibhaga" (parts) - Alaripu, Jatiswarama, Sabdama, Barnama, Padama & Tilana.
This dance form purely follows the rules of "Natyasastra" written by "Bharata" . So, this form is called "BHARATNATYAM". The ancient name of this dance form is "Sadi's Dance". Sadi means four. The name is given because the "Chatura Veda" is involved in this dance form.
In the late 18th century the "Rajnartak" (Dancer of Royal family) Nattubhanara Subbarao's four sons- Chinnaiya, Punnaiya, Shivananda and Bedivelu invented the modern form of Bhratnatyam. They divided the dance form in six "Bibhaga" (parts) - Alaripu, Jatiswarama, Sabdama, Barnama, Padama & Tilana.